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Alex Byrne
Youth Services Librarian
Mastodon: @TheyOfHIShirts at


Seattle GNU/Linux Conference (SeaGL)
4 November 2022

Land Acknowledgement Slide

Before we get into the content, I'd like to acknowledge that the SeaGL conference is taking place on the unceded land of the first people of Seattle, the Coast Salish people and their descendants, who have been the ancestral keepers of the land since time immemorial. We thank them for their stewardship and immense contributions to the state and local history, culture, economy, and identity of Washingtonians. I know that land acknowledgements aren't a substitution for action, but it is a small gesture of respect for those who were here before us and still continue to exist today.

Content Warnings

As far as I know, there are no content warnings associated with this talk. If that turns out to be wrong, by all means, back out or otherwise take care of yourself.